Ahmed Raza Khan: Mohammed Aqib Qadri:
And We made the clouds a canopy for you and sent down Manna and Salwa (birds) on you; "Eat of the pure things We have provided you"; they did not wrong Us in the least, but indeed they wronged themselves.
Yusuf Ali:
And We gave you the shade of clouds and sent down to you Manna
and quails, saying: "Eat of the good things We have provided for you:" (But
they rebelled); to us they did no harm, but they harmed their own souls.
And We caused the white cloud to overshadow you and sent down
on you the manna and the quails, (saying): Eat of the good things wherewith
We have provided you - they wronged Us not, but they did wrong themselves.
Courtesy of: (PrayerWare)