6:57 qul in-niy ‘Alaa bay-yinatim mir rab-biy wa kadh-dhabtum bih* maa ‘Indiy maa tasta’Åjiluuna bih* inil Hukmu il-laa lil-laah* yaquS-Sul Haq-qa wa huwa khayrul faaSiliyn
Ahmed Raza Khan: Mohammed Aqib Qadri:
Say, “I am on the clear proof from my Lord,
whereas you deny Him; I do not have what you are impatient for; there is
no command except that of Allah; He states the truth and He is the Best
of Judges."
Yusuf Ali:
Say: "For me, I (work) on a clear sign from my Lord, but ye reject Him. What ye would see hastened, is not in my power. The command rests with none but Allah: He declares the truth, and He is the best of judges."
Say: I am (relying) on clear proof from my Lord, while ye deny Him. I have not that for which ye are impatient. The decision is for Allah only. He telleth the truth and He is the Best of Deciders.
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