Verse 99

6:99 wa huwal-ladhiy anzala minas samaai maa-aa* fa akhrajnaa bihii nabaata kul-li shay’in fa akhrajnaa minhu khaDiran nukhriju minhu Hab-bam mutaraakibaa* wa minan nakhli min Tal’Ihaa qinwaanun daaniyatuw wa jan-naatim min a’Ånaabiw waz zaytuuna war rum-maana mushtabihaw wa gayra mutashaabih* unZuruu ilaa thamarihii idhaa athmara wa yan’Ih* in-na fiy dhaalikum la aayaatil li qawmiy yu’minuun

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Ahmed Raza Khan: Mohammed Aqib Qadri:
And it is He Who sends down water from the sky; so with it We produced all things that grow; hence We produce from it vegetation from which We bring forth grains in clusters; and from the pollen of dates, dense bunches - and gardens of grapes and olives and pomegranates, similar in some ways and unlike in some; look at its fruit when it bears yield, and its ripening; indeed in it are signs for the people who believe.

Yusuf Ali:
It is He Who sendeth down rain from the skies: with it We produce vegetation of all kinds: from some We produce green (crops), out of which We produce grain, heaped up (at harvest); out of the date-palm and its sheaths (or spathes) (come) clusters of dates hanging low and near: and (then there are) gardens of grapes, and olives, and pomegranates, each similar (in kind) yet different (in variety): when they begin to bear fruit, feast your eyes with the fruit and the ripeness thereof. Behold! in these things there are signs for people who believe.
He it is Who sendeth down water from the sky, and therewith We bring forth buds of every kind; We bring forth the green blade from which We bring forth the thick-clustered grain; and from the date-palm, from the pollen thereof, spring pendant bunches; and (We bring forth) gardens of grapes, and the olive and the pomegranate, alike and unlike. Look upon the fruit thereof, when they bear fruit, and upon its ripening. Lo! herein verily are portents for a people who believe.

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