Verse 2

10:2 a kaana lin-naasi 'Ajaban an awHaynaa ilaa rajulim minhum an andhirin naasa wa bash-shiril-ladhiyna aamanuu an-na lahum qadama Sidqin 'Inda rab-bihim* qaalal kaafiruuna in-na haadhaa la saaHirum mubiyn

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Ahmed Raza Khan: Mohammed Aqib Qadri:
Are people amazed that We have sent to a man among them, the divine revelation that "Warn the people and convey glad tidings to the believers that for them with their Lord is the place * of truth"? The disbelievers say, "Indeed he is an open magician."(* Positions of honour on the Day of Resurrection or in heaven.)

Yusuf Ali:
Is it a matter of wonderment to men that We have sent Our inspiration to a man from among themselves?- that he should warn mankind (of their danger), and give the good news to the Believers that they have before their Lord the lofty rank of truth. (But) say the Unbelievers: "This is indeed an evident sorcerer!"

Is it a wonder for mankind that We have inspired a man among them, saying: Warn mankind and bring unto those who believe the good tidings that they have a sure footing with their Lord? The disbelievers say: Lo! this is a mere wizard.

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