Verse 12

10:12 wa idhaa mas-sal insaanaD Dur-ru da'AAnaa li jambihii aw qaa'Idan aw qaaimaa* falam-maa kashafnaa 'Anhu Dur-rahuu mar-ra ka-al lam yad'Unaa ilaa Dur-rim mas-sah* kadhaalika zuy-yina lil musrifiyna maa kaanuu ya'Åmaluun

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Ahmed Raza Khan: Mohammed Aqib Qadri:
And when some hardship reaches man he prays to Us, while reclining and sitting and standing; and when We remove his hardship, he goes away as if he had never prayed to Us because of any hardship; this is how the deeds of the transgressors are made seeming good to them.

Yusuf Ali:
When trouble toucheth a man, He crieth unto Us (in all postures)- lying down on his side, or sitting, or standing. But when We have solved his trouble, he passeth on his way as if he had never cried to Us for a trouble that touched him! thus do the deeds of transgressors seem fair in their eyes!

And if misfortune touch a man he crieth unto Us, (while reclining) on his side, or sitting or standing, but when We have relieved him of the misfortune he goeth his way as though he had not cried unto Us because of a misfortune that afflicted him. Thus is what they do made (seeming) fair unto the prodigal.

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