Verse 45

35:45 wa law yuaakhidhul-laahun naasa bimaa kasabuu maa taraka 'Alaa Zahrihaa min daab-batiw walaakiy yuakh-khiruhum ilaa ajalim musam-maa* fa idhaa jaa-a ajaluhum fa in-nal-laaha kaana bi 'Ibaadihii baSiyraa

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Ahmed Raza Khan: Mohammed Aqib Qadri:
If Allah were to seize people upon their deeds, He would leave no creature walking on the surface of the earth, but He gives them respite till a fixed term; and when their term comes - so indeed Allah is observing all His bondmen!

Yusuf Ali:
If Allah were to punish men according to what they deserve. He would not leave on the back of the (earth) a single living creature: but He gives them respite for a stated Term: when their Term expires, verily Allah has in His sight all His Servants.

If Allah took mankind to task by that which they deserve, He would not leave a living creature on the surface of the earth; but He reprieveth them unto an appointed term, and when their term cometh - then verily (they will know that) Allah is ever Seer of His slaves.

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