40:74 min duunil-laah* qaaluu Dal-luu ‘An-naa bal lam nakun nad’UU min qablu shay’aa* kadhaalika yuDil-lul-laahul kaafiriyn
Ahmed Raza Khan: Mohammed Aqib Qadri:
"As rivals to Allah?" ; they will say, "We
have lost them - in fact we never used to worship anything before!"; this
is how Allah sends the disbelievers astray.
Yusuf Ali:
"In derogation of Allah?" They will reply: "They have left us in the lurch: Nay, we invoked not, of old, anything (that had real existence)." Thus does Allah leave the Unbelievers to stray.
Beside Allah? They say: They have failed us; but we used not to pray to anything before. Thus doth Allah send astray the disbelievers (in His guidance).
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