Verse 16

45:16 wa laqad aataynaa baniy israaiylal kitaaba wal Hukma wan nubuwwata wa razaqnaahum minaT Tayyibaati wa faD-Dalnaahum 'Alal 'AAlamiyn

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Ahmed Raza Khan: Mohammed Aqib Qadri:
And indeed We gave the Descendants of Israel the Book, and the rule, and the Prophethood, and gave good things for sustenance and gave them superiority over all others of their time.

Yusuf Ali:
We did aforetime grant to the Children of Israel the Book the Power of Command, and Prophethood; We gave them, for Sustenance, things good and pure; and We favoured them above the nations.

And verily we gave the Children of Israel the Scripture and the Command and the Prophethood, and provided them with good things and favoured them above (all) peoples;

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