62:10 fa idhaa quDiyatiS Salaatu fantashiruu fiyl arDi wabtaguu min faDlil-laahi wadhkurul-laaha kathiyral la’Al-lakum tufliHuun
Ahmed Raza Khan: Mohammed Aqib Qadri:
And when the prayer ends, spread out in
the land and seek Allah's munificence, and profusely remember Allah, in
the hope of attaining success.
Yusuf Ali:
And when the Prayer is finished, then may ye disperse through the land, and seek of the Bounty of Allah: and celebrate the Praises of Allah often (and without stint): that ye may prosper.
And when the prayer is ended, then disperse in the land and seek of Allah's bounty, and remember Allah much, that ye may be successful.
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